As of MARCH 19TH DanceWell PDX Schools has cancelled All classes and private lessons. Some private lessons will be available online.
Friends of DanceWell DONATIONS LINK
Learn to Dance
Friends of DanceWell DONATIONS LINK
In effort to keep everyone well and feeling safer we have cancelled March classes temporarily. DanceWell classes usually follow the school district closures anyway, and partnering may not be in folks’ best interest right now. 😊
However, we have different options for restarting March classes and we are planning various different class formats for April as well. I’VE DESIGNED SOME SURVEY QUESTIONS SO WE WILL GET AN IDEA OF WHAT OUR STUDENTS WOULD LIKE FOR THE TEMPORARY FORMAT
What format you would like the classes to be?
Please email, text or call this coming week — March 15-20 — to confirm your interest in a class [or NOT]
😊 and we are also offering Private lesson appointments in the Beaverton and Parkrose locations for $65 during the months of March and April [Our regular rate is $75-$79 — *Note there may be time limitations on this rate]
>>> PAY ATTENTION to your emails. Malicious scammer emails are getting trickier and even more aggressive than in past, using bank names, credit cards and government agencies and scare tactics.
BE WISE –Check the return email or link address. “The “real” site is revealed by what comes between the second-to-last dot and the first slash. Scammers can’t fake this part. For example: the URL doesn’t go to or – it goes to ”
ALSO never use any links or phone numbers in any questionable email or text that’s using any type of scare tactics. Rather find the business on the web and use the real phone numbers and links found there for real info.
Here is the LINK where most of this info was gathered.
*Wash hands for 20 secs on arrival and when leaving [enough time to sing the happy birthday song 2x].
No touching your face.
Washing hands every now and again during events and definitely after a cough or a sneeze…
**Note that if the ballrooms smell a little “cleanser-ish” its because we are wiping commonly used surfaces every day. .
>>> 📢 If you have any hand sanitizer to spare we’d love if you’d donate 1 or 2 to one of the ballrooms so we don’t run out.
Here are some note for staying healthy at our classes and dance parties.
[pdf-embedder url=”” title=”STAY HEALTHY NOTES”]